Bootcamp Member Resources

Welcome to the resources page for bootcamp members!



  • Soberish
    • With Jessa Reed. SUPER “woo.” The first season is about Jessa’s former drug addiction but then moves into consciousness and the nature of reality. Also, she’s a comedian so it’s hilarious.
  • Reality Revolution 
    • With Brian Scott. Great meditations and excerpts from spiritual books
  • The Lively Show
    • With Jess Lively. Jess discusses how to apply consciousness and the law of attraction to everyday life
  • The Lucky Bitch Podcast 
    • With Denise Duffield- Thomas. Not on air anymore but still hugely beneficial for money blocks (I also recommend her books below)


  • “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero
    • This book is a great and gentle intro to the Law of Attraction and empowers you to start living a life you love.
  • “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” and “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza
    • His books combine neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to help people heal themselves of illnesses, chronic conditions, and even terminal diseases. He makes complicated subjects easy to understand and provides you with meditations to rewire your brain.
  • “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” and “Chillpreneur” by Denise Duffield-Thomas
    • Denise is a money mindset mentor and her books help you to overcome barriers between yourself and financial abundance.
  • “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Bradley Nelson
    • Discusses trapped emotions in the body and how to release them. Trapped emotions from past traumas can create physical pain and disease, block your ability to succeed and create abundance, and can cut off your ability to give and receive love. 
  • “The Wisdom of Sundays” by Oprah Winfrey
    • Interviews with today’s thought leaders that expand your soul and inspire you to be more present in your life. 
  • “The Path Made Clear” by Oprah Winfrey
    • Oprah shares her wisdom on activating your deepest vision for yourself and aligning with your life’s purpose.
  • “Letting Go” by David R. Hawkins
    • Dives deep into each emotion, discussing the impact they have on you, how they manifest, and how to let go of them through surrendering.
  • “The Law of Attraction,” “The Vortex,” “Money and the Law of Attraction,” and “Ask and it is Given” by Abraham Hicks
    • I highly recommend getting audiobooks of these. Or you can watch the endless YouTube videos they have! “Abraham” is a collective of higher dimensional beings that Esther Hicks channels. All of their messages are inspirational, comforting, and provide practical tools for manifestation.
  • “The Happiness Trap” by Russ Harris
    • Teaches you to stop struggling and start living. It is a guide to Acceptance and Commitment therapy, which was my guiding therapy model when I was in private practice.

Phone Apps

  • MINDIFI Hypnosis apps
    • I love their apps for hypnosis. But you can also find tons of hypnosis recordings on YouTube for specific issues or desires
  • Insight Timer
    • This is my favorite guided meditation app. But again, you can find tons of guided meditations on YouTube.

Energy Healing

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (aka Tapping)
    • Creates a balance in your energy system and can treat physical and emotional pain, release limiting beliefs, and there are many other claims to its benefits! Try it out for yourself! You can find tons of videos on YouTube.
  • H’oponoopono
    • A powerful practice of forgiveness for physical or emotionally healing yourself or others by getting rid of bad memories or feelings that hold the mind in a negative tune. I even use it on my plants and watch them magically come back to life. I highly suggest you research it and try it for yourself! 

Manifestation Tools

  • Mind Movies
    • A site that allows you to make virtual vision boards. I love it because you can add music and text and then download it to your phone so you have it with you all the time! It’s recommended to at least watch your mind movies when you wake up and before you go to sleep when your thoughts are quiet. There is an initial fee but then you have access for life. And IGNORE the upsells! 
  • The Two Cup Manifesting Method
    • Uses the power of words and water to manifest your intentions. You can find tons of videos on YouTube


Energy healing

  • Acupuncture 
    • A system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians), used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions. 
  • Body Code (sessions with practitioner)
    • Mentioned above. I like doing in-person or virtual sessions with a practitioner. You can find my practitioner here, or you can search for one in your area!
  • Heart Math
    • HeartMath is a unique system of rigorous scientific research, validated techniques, leading-edge products and programs and advanced technologies for people interested in personal development and improved emotional, mental and physical health. Find a practitioner here
  • Reiki 
    • A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
  • Theta Wave Healing
    • A training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Find a practitioner
  • Kinesiology 
    • Addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement. Kinesiology practitioners can use it to release emotions and find out what your body does and doesn’t need for optimal physical and emotional health.
  • Rapid Transformational Therapy
    • A type of hypnotherapy that produces permanent physical healing after 1-3 sessions and addresses the trauma that clients have been holding onto for many years. Find a practitioner
  • Plant Medicine
    • Also referred to as psychedelics, they result in transformational inner journeys of self-reflection and profound consciousness expansion that can change their lives in highly positive ways. Stronger plant-based psychedelics like ayahuasca or ibogaine are anything but recreational and require a shaman or guide to obtain and partake in. Other than cannabis, it’s also illegal, so you can’t openly seek it out. But if an opportunity opens up, check your intuition to decide if it’s right for you. Find out more
  • Shamanic Soul Retrieval
    • Soul retrieval is the process of recovering the lost soul fragments, and is typically performed by shamans. Soul retrieval practices exist in many cultures. Find out more

Intuitive Development

  • Shoshanna French-Stokes
    • Shoshanna is insanely talented when it comes to tuning in to your intuition. She has over 23 years of experience and offers virtual training! Check her out here:

Other Woo-Woo Resources

  • Past Life Regression
    • Visit your past lives and gain an understanding of what has carried over into this life. It is done through hypnosis and requires a practitioner. I suggest doing it in person. Search for them in your area!

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